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April 21, 2020
Lesson 14: Invertebrates pt 2

Lesson Topics: Marine Invertebrates Day 2 Key Points: What is an invertebrate Symmetry Echinoderm Sea Star, Sea Urchin Mollusca Bivalves, Cephalopods, Gastropods Platyhelminthes Porifera Medical advances Activity: Worksheet 1: Phylum ID 2 Worksheet 1- phylum ID 2 Worksheet 1- phylum ID 2 ANSWERS Worksheet 2: Mollusk Activity Workheet 2- Mollusk activity Workheet 2- Mollusk activityANSWERS […]

April 19, 2020
Lesson 13: Invertebrates part 1

Lesson Topics: Marine Invertebrates Day 1 Key Points: What is an invertebrate Symmetry Annelid, Arthropoda, Cnidaria Marine Worms LobsterCrabs Corals Jellyfish Hydroids Activity: Worksheet 1: Symmetry Worksheet 1- symmetry Worksheet 1- symmetryANSWERS Worksheet 2: Phylum ID 1 Worksheet 2- phylum ID 1 Worksheet 2-phylum ID ANSWERS Worksheet 3: Marine Invertebrate Info Sheet Worksheet 3-Marine Invertebrate […]

April 16, 2020
Lesson 12: Water quality

Water Quality Key Points: Point source pollution Non point source pollution What is plastic? Plastic history Threats from plastic Great pacific garbage patch Microplastics Other water pollutants Stormwater Sewage Dead zones Worksheets: *Also will need a pen and paper for our first lesson activity* Worksheet 1: Point source vs Non point source pollution Point source […]

April 14, 2020
Lesson 11: Oceanography

Lesson Topics: Oceanography Key Points: -What is oceanography? -Geological Oceanography -Pangea -Tectonic Plates -Physical Oceanography -Waves, Tides, Currents -The story of the rubber duck -Ocean Zones -Chemical Oceanography -Salt, CO2, Ocean Acidification -Pollution Activity: -Worksheet 1: Anatomy of a Wave Worksheet 1-Anatomy of a Wave Worksheet 1-Anatomy of a WaveANSWERS -Worksheet 2: Ocean Currents Worksheet […]

April 12, 2020
Lesson 10: Sea Turtles

Lesson Topics: Sea Turtles Key Points: -What is a Turtle? -Turtles vs Tortoises -Natal Homing -Sea Turtle Nesting -The “Lost Years” -Prehistoric Sea Turtle -Current Sea Turtle Species -Threats -Conservation Activity: -Worksheet 1: Who Am I? (All Ages) Worksheet 1- Who am I sea turtles Worksheet 1- Who am I sea turtles ANSWERS -Worksheet 2: […]

April 9, 2020
Lesson 9: Whales

Key Points: What is a Whale? Whales are mammals Two groups of whales Baleen whales Toothed whales Whale anatomy Whale behavior Threats to whales Worksheets: 1.) Baleen vs toothed whale external anatomy Whale Anatomy Whale Anatomy- ANSWERS 2.) Differences between baleen and toothed whales Toothed vs. Baleen Whales Toothed vs. Baleen Whales-ANSWER Activity: Finger painting […]

April 7, 2020
Lesson 8: Seabirds

Seabirds Key points: What is a bird? Wings & Feathers How they fly Bones Seabirds vs Landbirds Penguins Gulls Pelicans Frigate birds And more popular seabird species! Worksheets: Worksheet 1- Who am I Who am IANSWERS Worksheet 2- WINGSPAN 2A Wingspan Comparison 2B Wingspan ComparisonANSWERS 2B Answers Worksheet 3- Worksheet 3- Paper Airplanes and Flight Videos: How birds […]

April 5, 2020
Lesson 7: Manatee Conservation Biology

Manatee Conservation Biology Key Points -What are sirenians? -Body shape -How they move -Eating and hydration Habits -Body Composition -Five species of sirens -Threats Activities: Worksheet 1: Dugong vs Manatees Worksheet 1- Dugong vs Manatee p1 Worksheet1- Dugong vs manatee p2 Worksheet 1-Dugong vs Manatee ANSWER Worksheet 2: Manatee puppet Worksheet 2- Manatee Puppet Follow […]

April 1, 2020
Lesson 6: Shark Biology and Conservation

Shark Biology and Conservation: Key Points: -What is a Shark? -How are they different from bony fish? -How do they stay buoyant? -Where do sharks live? -What senses do sharks have? -Two extra senses -Why are sharks threatened? -How can we help sharks? Worksheets -Worksheet 1 Shark Senses Shark senses- Worksheet 1  Shark senses- Worksheet […]

March 31, 2020
Lesson 5: Fish Anatomy

Key Points -What is a fish? -Osteichthyes vs Chondrichthyes -Body shapes -Mouth Shape and location -Tail Shape -Special Adaptations -Scales -Morphology -Anatomy -Fish Dissection Activities: Worksheet 1-  Worksheet 1-Fish Shapes Worksheet 2- Worksheet 2- Fish Shape & Species Worksheet 2- Fish Shapes & species ANSWERS Worksheet 3- Worksheet 3- Fish dissection. pdf Follow Up: Worksheet 4- Worksheet […]