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July 17, 2014
Young explorers prepare for reef trip: Day campers learn about marine ecosystem

  BY LIZZ CAREAGA Citizen Staff Twenty five enthusiastic young snorkelers soaked up the sun with goggles on their faces and fins on their feet. On Tuesday, day campers swam with faces slightly below the surface of the water at Fort Zachary Taylor beach testing out their equipment and preparing for two snorkeling trips to […]

August 3, 2013
Coral Camp 2013 Week 7

Coral Camp 2013 Week 7

July 23, 2013
Coral Camp 2013

The girls learning at the Eco-Discovery Center

July 23, 2013
Coral Camp 2013

Our little Italian camper Ricardo got to hold a cockatoo for the first time as some of the other campers got to touch a nurse shark!

July 23, 2013
Coral Camp Week 6

Week 6  The campers got to see a wild manatee swimming in the marina after our exciting trip to the Aquarium and then Mel Fisher’s Treasure Box!!

July 10, 2013
Coral Camp 2013 Key West Wildlife Center

Wild Life Center and the Aquarium Week 4

July 1, 2013
Coral Camp 2013 Week 2

Coral Camp Week 2 Week two of Coral Camp from Reef Relief song used: He Mele No Lilo by Lilo & Stitch

July 1, 2013
Coral Camp 2013 Week 1

Coral Camp Week 1 Reef Relief’s first week of Coral Camp! song used: Hawaiian Rollarcoaster Ride by Lilo & Stitch the Movie

June 12, 2013
Coral Camp 2013 Week 1

Day 2 (week 1) The beach at Fort Zach

June 12, 2013
Coral Camp 2013 Week 1 Key West Aquarium

Day 1 (week 1) at the aquarium