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January 28, 2014

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Jan. 24, 2014 CONTACT: Christopher Boykin 305.795.1222   DEP'S CORAL REEF CONSERVATION PROGRAM KICKS OFF COMMUNITY WORKING GROUPS   ~Working groups established to make coral reef management recommendations~     Representatives from the Department, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provided opening remarks.   MIAMI– The […]

September 12, 2013
Action Alert: Services Solicit Public Comment on Proposed Revisions to Endangered Species Act Implementation Regulations

  Contact: Connie  Barclay (301) 427-8003 (202) 441-2398 (Cell) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 29, 2013 Use of “surrogates” to measure incidental take would improve program’s implementation, decrease unnecessary regulatory burden and costs In order to make the implementation of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) more effective and less burdensome, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and […]

January 17, 2013
Proposed Listing Determinations for 82 Reef-Building Coral Species; Proposed Reclassification of Acropora palmata and Acropora cervicornis from Threatened to Endangered

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce. ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments. Public Comments Solicited     To ensure that any final action resulting from this proposal will be as accurate and effective as possible, we are soliciting comments from the public, other concerned governmental agencies, the scientific community, […]

January 17, 2013
Opportunity for public comments on EPA’s proposed rule for Florida’s waters

EPA will hold two public information sessions in Tampa, Florida. These sessions will provide opportunities for members of the public to submit written comments on EPA's proposed rule for some of Florida's coastal and estuarine waters, and on EPA's proposed rule on remanded portions of its final rule for Florida's inland waters. The public information […]