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June 11, 2014
Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe to work towards commercial whaling hunt despite ICJ ruling Tue 10 Jun 2014, 8:37am AEST Photo: Sea Shepherd says Japan is blatantly trying to defy the international court ruling. (AAP: Tim Watters/Sea Shepherd Australia)   Japan's prime minister says he will work towards restarting commercial whaling, despite a top UN court's order that Tokyo must stop killing whales in the Antarctic. Shinzo Abe's […]

July 14, 2011
Japan, anti-whaling group trade barbs at annual conference

AFP, SAINT HELIER, Jersey Japan and the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd on Tuesday swapped angry words at the world whaling conference on the British Channel Island of Jersey over the hunting of cetaceans around Antarctica. In a plenary session of the International Whaling Commission, Japanese delegation chief Kenji Kagawa blasted Sea Shepherd’s pursuit of Japanese […]