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February 17, 2015
Study associates 3-year pattern of Gulf of Mexico bottlenose dolphin deaths with BP oil spill

By Mark Schleifstein, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune February 12, 2015   A new peer-reviewed study of deaths of bottlenose dolphins in the northern Gulf of Mexico finds the highest number of animal strandings and deaths between 2010 and early 2013 occurred in areas most impacted by the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, including Barataria Bay and other […]

February 6, 2014
Cuba Pushes Ahead With Oil Drilling, But U.S. Fears Potential Spills Reaching Florida

Published January 22, 2014 Fox News Latino   Despite repeated failed efforts to find oil, the Cuban government has pledged to resume offshore drilling in the deep waters of the Florida Straits, raising concerns in the U.S. about the threat of environmental damage along Florida’s coastline.   Read more at http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/politics/2014/01/22/cuba-pushes-ahead-with-oil-drilling-us-fret-over-potential-spills-along/

January 13, 2014
Former U.S. Sen., Fla. Gov. Bob Graham part of Cuba oil drilling mission

By RYAN MILLS. www.naplesnews.com January 11, 2014 Former U.S. Senator and Florida Gov. Bob Graham is part of an American contingent traveling to Cuba on Monday to explore the communist nation’s oil drilling plans. Graham, the keynote speaker at the Everglades Coalition conference at the Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club on Saturday evening, said […]