NRDC Petition Off the Atlantic coast, undersea canyons with vibrant deep-sea corals provide food and shelter for squid, lobsters, and endangered fin and sperm whales. But as a global appetite for seafood grows, weighted fishing nets threaten to destroy the fragile, living seafloor that has taken hundreds—or even thousands—of years to establish. The regional fishery […]
22 March 2012 by Michael Marshall. Zoologger Zoologger is our weekly column highlighting extraordinary animals – and occasionally other organisms – from around the world Species: Allapasus aurantiacus Habitat: On and around the seabed off the coast of California If there’s one way we can be sure that life on Earth really is the result […]
ScienceDaily (Mar. 6, 2012) — Among the many intriguing aspects of the deep sea, Earth’s largest ecosystem, exist environments known as hydrothermal vent systems where hot water surges out from the seafloor. On the flipside the deep sea also features cold areas where methane rises from “seeps” on the ocean bottom. It’s extremely rare to […]
Sep 08, 2011 Global Campaign to End Illegal Fishing, Protecting the Deep Sea Contact: Shannon Pao, 202.540.6568 The deep sea, home to some of the world’s most unusual creatures, is teeming with biological diversity, most of which has yet to be scientifically-documented. But in spite of the wonders that exist far below the surface, the […]