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The true cost of your beefburger is much worse than you know

Gidon Eshel. 22nd July 2014. The Ecologist US beef carries a heavy environmental cost in water, land, emissions. But few of us know quite how damaging beef is, writes Gidon Eshel, nor that it is more than five times worse than pork, poultry, eggs or cheese. Isn't it time we did something about it? That […]

EPA gives Florida edict on emissions

The federal government is proposing that Florida cut its carbon dioxide emissions from power plants by 38 percent by the year 2030.   Ledyard King and Maureen Groppe, June 3, 2014.   WASHINGTON – Florida's power plants would have to significantly reduce carbon emissions from power plants by 2030, under a proposal the Obama administration […]

Florida squarely in cross-hairs of climate change, new report says (w/video)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 1:10pm Craig Pittman, Times Staff Writer In a federal report being called "the loudest and clearest alarm bell to date" regarding climate change, the Tampa Bay area is labeled as one of three areas in Florida particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels, with the others being Miami and Apalachicola. The report, […]

OP-ED: Time for the Southeast to Act on Climate this Earth Day

By Heather McTeer Toney, Regional Administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency The Southeast will join the rest of the nation and countries across the world in celebrating Earth Day on April 22. The entire month of April is a great time to reflect on the strides we have made to reduce pollution over the […]

Why Choose an Earth-friendly Diet?

The Center for Biological Diversity's Take Extinction Off Your Plate Project In a world with more than 7 billion people — and growing — the toll on wildlife is impossible to ignore. Animals and plants are being driven to extinction at unprecedented rates by habitat loss, pollution and climate change. Most scientists believe we’re in […]

September 16, 2013
EPA Marks Pollution Prevention (P2) Week with Renewed Emphasis on Reducing Carbon Pollution

CONTACT: Cathy Milbourn (news media only) [email protected] 202-564-7849 202-564-4355 September 16, 2013 WASHINGTON — During Pollution Prevention (P2) Week, September 16-22, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) encourages Americans to prevent or reduce pollution at the source. This year’s pollution prevention week comes just three months after President Obama’s speech at Georgetown University where he outlined […]