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Activists head to Tallahassee to rally against releases

Feb 18, 2014 10:26 AM EST By Steve Campionb. WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral LEE COUNTY, FL – Water activists across Southwest Florida are ready to send a strong message. They boarded buses in Naples, Fort Myers, Sarasota and other cities across the state to deliver a strong message to Tallahassee lawmakers: […]

January 23, 2014
Caloosahatchee and Estuary Condition Reports

Caloosahatchee Condition Summary:   For the past 5 weeks the salinities have exceeded the MFL "harm" threshold of 10 psu.  Legacy nutrients from the summer's high flows continue to feed algal blooms within San Carlos Bay and Pine Island Sound and along the hard bottom surfaces within the Gulf of Mexico and are washing up on coastal […]

August 15, 2013
Miami Herald | EDITORIAL: No time to lose

  Urgent need to complete Everglades clean-up plan By Miami Herald Editorial. Monday, 08.05.13 It’s happening again, and it’s bad. Billions of gallons of foul brown water are being flushed into two South Florida rivers to lower Lake Okeechobee and protect the Herbert Hoover Dike during hurricane season. Two lovely estuary systems, the Caloosahatchee River […]

July 26, 2013
Lake Okeechobee dumping spells pollution problems for coastal rivers

By CURTIS MORGAN [email protected] With Lake Okeechobee two feet too high and still rising after a month of heavy rain and far-off Tropical Storm Dorian posing a potential but highly uncertain threat, federal engineers on Thursday cranked opened the flood gates on the big lake, spilling tens of billions of gallons of polluted water down […]