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ACTION ALERT: Tell EPA to pass strong new regulations on oil dispersants

EARTHJUSTICE ACTION ALERT: Almost 2 million gallons of toxic chemical dispersants were dumped in the Gulf of Mexico during the 2010 BP drilling disaster, to ”clean up“ the oil spill. Yet five years later, it’s clear that the chemicals didn’t get rid of the oil. Instead, they pushed much of it down under the surface, […]

February 17, 2015
Study associates 3-year pattern of Gulf of Mexico bottlenose dolphin deaths with BP oil spill

By Mark Schleifstein, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune February 12, 2015   A new peer-reviewed study of deaths of bottlenose dolphins in the northern Gulf of Mexico finds the highest number of animal strandings and deaths between 2010 and early 2013 occurred in areas most impacted by the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, including Barataria Bay and other […]

Studies: BP Spill Reduced Gulf Marine Life

Harvey Rice. Houston Chronicle. February 17, 2015 Oil from the Deepwater Horizon blowout in 2010 may have created a vast zone on the Gulf of Mexico floor where marine life is much sparser than before toxic petroleum settled there, according to studies presented Monday at a Houston conference on the BP oil spill. Sperm whales […]

February 6, 2014
Cuba Pushes Ahead With Oil Drilling, But U.S. Fears Potential Spills Reaching Florida

Published January 22, 2014 Fox News Latino   Despite repeated failed efforts to find oil, the Cuban government has pledged to resume offshore drilling in the deep waters of the Florida Straits, raising concerns in the U.S. about the threat of environmental damage along Florida’s coastline.   Read more at http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/politics/2014/01/22/cuba-pushes-ahead-with-oil-drilling-us-fret-over-potential-spills-along/

Court Asked to Speed Up Lawsuit Seeking Public Disclosure of Pollutants From BP’s Gulf Spill

Court Asked to Speed Up Lawsuit Seeking Public Disclosure of Pollutants From BP’s Gulf Spill

August 23, 2013
Gulf Spill Sampling Questioned

By HENRY FOUNTAIN. Published: August 19, 2013. New York Times An analysis of water, sediment and seafood samples taken in 2010 during and after the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has found higher contamination levels in some cases than previous studies by federal agencies did, casting doubt on some of the earlier sampling […]

Record Dolphin, Sea Turtle Deaths Since Gulf Spill

Apr 2, 2013 02:27 PM ET // by Jennifer Viegas . Discovery News The Deepwater Horizon oil spill happened in the Gulf of Mexico nearly three years ago, but the estimated 4.9 million barrels of oil that it released are still killing dolphins, sea turtles and other marine life in record numbers, according to new […]

BP accused of attack on academic freedoms after scientists subpoenaed

Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent. guardian.co.uk, Monday 4 June 2012 18.00 EDT Oceanographers say they fear erosion of scientific process after they were forced to turn over emails related to BP oil spill A pair of scientists have accused BP of an attack on academic freedom after the oil company successfully subpoenaed thousands of confidential […]

Microbial Communities Changed After Deepwater Horizon Spill

ScienceDaily (June 6, 2012) — Communities of microbial organisms — species such as nematodes, protists and fungi — on beaches along the Gulf of Mexico changed significantly following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in April 2010, research from the University of New Hampshire’s Hubbard Center for Genome Studies (HCGS) and partners found. The findings, which […]

Study by NOAA and Partners Shows Some Gulf Dolphins Severely Ill

NOAA article Aug 2011: Veterinarians collect samples from a Barataria Bay dolphin. Bottlenose dolphins in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, are showing signs of severe ill health, according to NOAA marine mammal biologists and their local, state, federal and other research partners. Barataria Bay, located in the northern Gulf of Mexico, received heavy and prolonged exposure to […]