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Why should you Skip the Straw?

Plastic straws are generally too lightweight to be recycled.
Marine life that has ingested plastic has a 50% mortality rate.
By 2050 there will be more weight in plastic than fish in the ocean.
Straws are one of the top ten sources of plastic marine debris.

The best way to keep plastic out of the ocean is to simply use less of it. By joining this campaign to no longer serve plastic straws with drinks, you can help us shift the demand away from single-use plastic.

Many participating businesses bring awareness to consumers through our educational materials, providing compostable alternatives, or they ultimately do not provide straws at all. Join us in reducing the amount of single use plastic in our environment!

How to join?
If you are a business interested in Skipping the Straw, please click the button below to sign a pledge. By signing this pledge, you are committing to only providing customers with plastic straws upon request. If you choose to join this campaign, Reef Relief will provide you with a flyer and sticker to post inside of your business and you will be recognized on our website and social media.

A Win for a Straw Free Future

On September 5, 2019, the City of Key West passed ordinance 19-12, City Code of Ordinances 26-312: Banning the distribution or sale of plastic (and bioplastic) straws and stirrers. This requires businesses to use plastic free compostable or reusable straws and stirrers!

Looking for alternatives to the plastic straw?…Click the images below!