Scientific Studies
New studies and reports are added regularly.
- Torres, Sarah Frias. Should the Critically Endangered Goliath grouper Epinephelus itajara be culled in Florida?. Oryx, Available on CJO doi:10.1017/S0030605312000361
- Evaluations of turtle excluder device (TED) performance in the U.S. Southeast Atlantic and Gulf of Mexicos kimmer trawl fisheries. By Blake Price and Jeff Gearhart. NOAA, NMFS. May 2011
- Right From the Start: Open-ocean Aquaculture in the United States. Ocean Conservancy. March 2011
- Goliath Grouper Review & Discussion Feb. 23, 2011. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
- Wanted dead or alive? The relative value of reef sharks as a fishery and an ecotourism asset in Palau. GMS Vianna, MG Meekan1, D Pannell, S Marsh and JJ Meeuwig. 2010
- Fewer Fish in Caribbean Reefs by Nils Br. 2009
- Landmark U.S. Geological Survey Study Demonstrates How Methylmercury, Known to Contaminate Seafood, Originates in the Ocean by David Krabbenhoft & Company
- Waste from Fish Farming Spreads Far by Catherine Ho. 2009
- Too few fish in the sea: How governments can prevent a complete wipeout of seafood species by curbing the number of fishing boats. – David Helwarg. November 2006
- You Are What You Fish By Jim Harper BBT Columnist
- The Loss of Large Fish on Coral Reefs by Doug Fenner, Ph.D. 2008
- Ronan Fablet, Laure Pecquerie, He´ le`ne de Pontual, Hans Høie, Richard Millner, Henrik Mosegaard, Sebastian A. L. M. Kooijman. Shedding Light on Fish Otolith Biomineralization Using a Bioenergetic Approach
- Global human footprint on the linkage between diversity and ecosystem functioning in reef fishes. PlosBiology 9: e1000606.
- Mora C, Treml E, Robert J, Crosby K, Roy D, Tittensor DP. (2011) High connectivity among habitats precludes the relationship between dispersal and range size in tropical reef fishes. Ecography 35, 89-96.
- Ward-Paige C, Mora C, Lotze H, McClenachan L. (2010). Large-scale absence of sharks on reefs in the Greater-Caribbean: A footprint of human population impacts. PlosOne 5, e11968.
- Mora C, Maya MF (2006) Effect of the rate of temperature increase of the dynamic method on the heat tolerance of fishes. Journal of Thermal Biology 31, 337-341.
- Mora C, Robertson D (2005) Causes of latitudinal gradients in species richness: a test with fishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Ecology 86, 1771-1792.
- Hogan Mora C, Sale PF (2002) Are populations of coral reef fishes open or closed? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17, 422-428. D, Mora C (2005) Experimental assessment of the importance of swimming and drifting to the displacement of reef fish larvae. Marine Biology 147, 1213-1220.
- Mora C (2004) The importance of dispersal in coral reef fishes. Ph.D. Dissertation.
- Ospina AF, Mora C (2004) Effect of body size on the thermal tolerance of reef fishes. Environmental Biology of Fishes 70, 339-343.
- Mora C, Chittaro P, Sale PF, Kritzer J, Ludsin S (2003) Patterns and processes in reef fish diversity. Nature 421, 933-936.
- Mora C, Sale PF (2002) Are populations of coral reef fishes open or closed? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17, 422-428.
- Mora C. (2001) Dispersal of reef fishes by rafting. Reef Encounter 29, 16-17.
- Musick, J.A. 1999. Criteria to define risk in marine fishes. fisheries 24 (12): 6-14
- Smith, Steven G., et al. “Multispecies survey design for assessing reef-fish stocks, spatially explicit management performance, and ecosystem condition.” Fisheries Research 109.1 (2011): 25-41.
- Status of Stocks 2011: Annual Report to Congress on the Status of U.S. Fisheries
- Bender, M. G., Floeter, S. R., Mayer, F., Vila-Nova, D.A., Longo, G. O., Hanazaki, N., Carvalho-Filho, A. & Ferreira, C. E. L. 2013. Biological attributes and major threats as predictors of the vulnerability of species: a case study with Brazilian reef fishes. Oryx – The International Journal of Conservation, 47: 259–265.
- Mumby et al. (2013) On the relationship between native grouper and invasive lionfish in the Caribbean. PeerJ PrePrints 1:e45v1
- Newton, K., Cote, I. M., Pilling, G. M., Jennings, S., & Dulvy, N. K. (2007). Current and future sustainability of island coral reef fisheries. Current Biology, 17(7), 655-658.
- Jonathan L. W. Ruppert, Michael J. Travers, Luke L. Smith, Marie-Josée Fortin, Mark G. Meekan. Caught in the Middle: Combined Impacts of Shark Removal and Coral Loss on the Fish Communities of Coral Reefs. PLoS ONE, 2013; 8 (9): e74648 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074648
- Loh, T. L., & Pawlik, J. R. (2014). Chemical defenses and resource trade-offs structure sponge communities on Caribbean coral reefs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201321626.
Climate Change/Oil & Gas Drilling
- Rachel Gregg, Lara Hansen, Kirsten Feifel, Jessica Hitt, Alex Score, Jennie Hoffman, and Jessi Kershner January 15, 2011 The State of Marine and Coastal Adaptation in North America: A Synthesis of Emerging Ideas
- Kenkel CD, Aglyamova G, Alamaru A, Bhagooli R, Capper R, et al. (2011) Development of Gene Expression Markers of Acute Heat-Light Stress in Reef-Building Corals of the Genus Porites. PLoS ONE 6(10): e26914. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026914
- Experts create first legal roadmap to tackle ocean acidification ‘hotspots’
- Rising Temps Puts Sea Life at Risk
- Climate change and the greenhouse effect A briefing from the Hadley Centre December 2005
- C.D. Harvell, K. Kim, J.M. Burkholder, R.R. Coldwell, P.R. Epstein, D.J. Grimes, E.E. Hofmann, E.K. Lipp, A.D.M.E. Osterhaus, R.M. Overstreet, J.W. Porter, G.W. Smith, G. R. Vasta. Emerging Marine Diseases – Climate Links SCIENCE Magazine Article VOL. 285 (September 3, 1999)
- Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs and other Marine Calcifiers: A Guide for Future Research
- The Carbon Boom
- Need To Monitor Atmospheric Impacts of South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Project Thomas J. Goreau, PhD, President, Global Coral Reef Alliance December 3 2004
- Climate Change Concerns for Everglades Restoration Planning
- The Ocean in a High-CO2 World on 10-12 May 2004 in Paris, France Report
- Global Warming Could Kill Most Reefs By 2100 by Peter Pockley NATURE Magazine Article VOL. 400 (July 8, 1999)
- Climate Change Coral Bleaching and the Future of the World’s Coral Reefs. Ove Hoegh-Gulberg 1999
- Albright, R., Mason,B.., Miller, M., Langdon, C. 2010. Ocean acidification compromises recruitment success of threathened Caribbean coral Acropora palmata. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America. 101 (47): 20400-20404
- Ries, J. B. (2012). “Oceanography: A sea butterfly flaps its wings.” Nature. Geosci 5(12): 845-846
- Bruno JF, Selig ER, Casey KS, Page CA, Willis BL, et al. (2007) Thermal Stress and Coral Cover as Drivers of Coral Disease Outbreaks . PLoS Biol 5(6): e124. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050124
Cinner, J., McClanahan, T., Wamukota, A., Darling, E., Humphries, A., Hicks, C., Huchery, C., Marshall, N., Hempson, T., Graham, N., Bodin,Ö., Daw, T. & Allison, E. 2013. /Social-ecological vulnerability ofcoral reef fisheries to climatic shocks. /*FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular No. 1082. Rome, FAO. 63 pp.
Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Mumby, P. J., Hooten, A. J., Steneck, R. S., Greenfield, P., Gomez, E., … & Hatziolos, M. E. (2007). Coral reefs under rapid climate change and ocean acidification. science, 318(5857), 1737-1742.
Kennedy, E. V., Perry, C. T., Halloran, P. R., Iglesias-Prieto, R., Schönberg, C. H., Wisshak, M., … & Mumby, P. J. (2013). Avoiding Coral Reef Functional Collapse Requires Local and Global Action. Current Biology.
Manzello, D. P., Enochs, I. C., Melo, N., Gledhill, D. K., & Johns, E. M. (2012). Ocean acidification refugia of the Florida reef tract. PloS one, 7(7), e41715
Mora, C., Frazier, A. G., Longman, R. J., Dacks, R. S., Walton, M. M., Tong, E. J., … & Giambelluca, T. W. (2013). The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability. Nature, 502(7470), 183-187
Vega Thurber, R. L., Burkepile, D. E., Fuchs, C., Shantz, A. A., McMinds, R. and Zaneveld, J. R. (2013), Chronic nutrient enrichment increases prevalence and severity of coral disease and bleaching. Global Change Biology. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12450
Burge CA, Eakin CM, Friedman CS, Froelich B, Hershberger PK, Hoffman EE, Petes LM, Prager KC, Weil E, Willis BL, Ford SE & CD Harvell. 2014. Climate change influences on marine infectious disease: implications for management and society. *Annual Reviews in Marine Science*. 6: 249-277
- A Case for Regulation of the Feeding of Fishes and Other Marine Wildlife by Divers and Snorkelers
- The Impacts of Climate Change on Australian Tourism Destinations
- Nola H. L. Barkerand Callum M. Roberts. 2004. Scuba diver behavior and the management of diving impacts on coral reefs.
- Julie P Hawkins, Callum M Roberts, T Van’t Hof, K De Meyer, Jamie Tratalos, Chloe Aldam. 1999. Effects of Recreational Scuba Diving on Caribbean Coral and Fish Communities
- The Environmental Impacts of Boating proceedings of a workshop held at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1998
- Anthony B. Rouphael, and Graeme J. Inglis. 1997. Impacts of recreational SCUBA diving at sites with different reef topographies.
- DerDerrin Davis and Clem Tisdell. 1995. Recreational scuba-diving and carrying capacity in marine protected areas.
Brander, L. M., Van Beukering, P., & Cesar, H. S. (2007). The recreational value of coral reefs: a meta-analysis. Ecological Economics, 63(1), 209-218.Saphier, Adam D., and Tegan C. Hoffmann. “Forecasting models to quantify three anthropogenic stresses on coral reefs from marine recreation: Anchor damage, diver contact and copper emission from antifouling paint.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005): 590-598
Wastewater/Sewage/Water Quality
- Stormwater Pollution: Getting at the Source by Lawrence A. Baker
- Sewage-Contaminated Water Reaching Florida’s Offshore Keys, Study Finds Article adapted by Medical News Today from original press release.
- A Blooming Battle Over Red Tide By MIKE SALINERO The Tampa Tribune– June 2007
- An Ecotoxicological Assessment of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Runoff into Florida Bay and Surrounding Environments With an Emphasis on the Organochlorine Insecticide EndosulfanStudy
- Says Raw Sewage Killing Coral Reefs
- Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment of seagrass and coral reef communities in the Lower Florida Keys: discrimination of local versus regional nitrogen sources
- Case Study-Waste Nutrients: Impacts on Coastal Coral Reefs and Fisheries
- New Evidence Points to Pollution as Main Cause of Much Coral Reef Destruction
- Scientist: Everglades restoration may kill reefs in Florida Keys
- Sewage nutrients fuel coral disease
- An Evaluation of the Scientific Basis for “Restoring” Florida Bay by Increasing Freshwater Runoff from the Everglades.
- Nutrient Thresholds for Bottom-up Control of Macroalgal Blooms on Coral Reefs
- Nutrient Inputs from the Watershed and Coastal Eutrophication in the Florida Keys
- FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration Water Quality Assessment Report 2008 Florida Keys
- Occurrence of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Surface Waters and the Subsurface Aquifer in Key Largo, Florida
- Dr. Maier’s Technical Survey: Drinking Water Treatment Facilities, EPA ICR Number 2176.01
- Final Report: Physiology and Ecology of Macroalgal Blooms on Coral Reefs off Southeast Florida
- Are us coral reefs on a slippery slope to slime
- Florida’s Harmful Algae Blooms Claims Thirteen Victims By Donald Sutherland 1999
- Florida Bay Nutrients: Perspectives on the july 1-2, 1996 workshop
- Syllabus for the Reef Care Curacao workshop on nutrient pollution. Dr. Lapointe 1998
- Final Environmental Assessment FKWQIP City of Key West Stormwater Treatment Wells 2005
- State of Florida Department of Community Affairs Areas of Critical State Concern, Keys Annual Assessment Report 2006
- FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, Division of Water Resource Management, Water Quality Status Report, SOUTH • GROUP 5 BASIN • 2005, Florida Keys
- Waterfront Property Owners Guide, FL DEP 2008
- Water Quality : Frequently Asked Questions
- E.A. Shinn, Chris Reich, Don Hickey, Ann B. Tihansky. 1999. Determination of Groundwater-Flow Direction and Rate Beneath Florida Bay, the Florida Keys and Reef Tract.
- Increased Everglades Flows Impact Coral Reefs: A talk by Dr. Brian Lapointe. 1997
- JOHN H. PAUL, JOAN B. ROSE, JORDAN BROWN, EUGENE A. SHINN, STEVEN MILLER, AND SAMUEL R. FARRAH. 1995. Viral Tracer Studies Indicate Contamination of Marine Waters by Sewage Disposal Practices in Key Largo, Fl.
- Dilution Study – Key West POTW Discharge KEY WEST, FL (May 9-16, 1994)
- Key West Ocean Outfall Study:Synopsis of Rsesults and Conclusions. 1994
- JAMES W. PORTER. OUIDA W. MEIER. 1992 Quantification of Loss and Change in Floridian Reef Coral Populations.
- Philip С. Loh, Roger S. Fuji Oka. 1980. Viruses in Water: Their Detection, Survival and Disease Potential.
- Mark M. Littler and Steven N. Murray .1978. Influence of Domestic Wastes on Energetic Pathways in Rocky Intertidal Communities.
- Impact of Sewage on the Distribution, Abundance and Community Structure of Rocky-IntertidalL Macro-Organisms. 1972
- Taylor, M.F.J., Suckling, K.F., Rachlinsky, J.F. 2005. The effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act: A quantitative analysis. Bioscience 55 (4): 360-367
- Wooldridge, S. A.: Breakdown of the coral-algae symbiosis: towards formalising a linkage between warm-water bleaching thresholds and the growth rate of the intracellular zooxanthellae, Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 8111-8139, doi:10.5194/bgd-9-8111-2012, 2012
- Lapointe, B.E.; Herren, L.W., and Bedford, B.J., 2012. Effects of hurricanes, land use, and water management on nutrient and microbial pollution: St. Lucie Estuary, southeast Florida. Journal of Coastal Research, 28(6), 1345–1361. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
- 2012 Integrated Water Quality Assessment for Florida, May 2012
- Hanley, N., Bell, D., & Alvarez-Farizo, B. (2003). Valuing the benefits of coastal water quality improvements using contingent and real behaviour. Environmental and resource economics, 24(3), 273-285.
- Beever III, J., Council, S. F. R. P., & Walker, T. Estimating and Forecasting Ecosystem Services within Pine Island Sound, Sanibel Island, Captiva Island, North Captiva Island, Cayo Costa Island, Useppa Island, Other Islands of the Sound, and the Nearshore Gulf of Mexico.
- D’Angelo, C., Wiedenmann, J., 2014. Impacts of nutrient enrichment on coral reefs: new perspectives and implications for coastal management and reef survival. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 7, 82-93.
- Danovaro, Roberto, Lucia Bongiorni, Cinzia Corinaldesi, Donato Giovannelli, Elisabetta Damiani, Paola Astolfi, Lucedio Greci, and Antonio Pusceddu. “Sunscreens cause coral bleaching by promoting viral infections.” Environmental health perspectives 116, no. 4 (2008): 441.
- Tibbetts, John. “Bleached, But Not by the Sun: Sunscreen Linked to Coral Damage.” Environmental health perspectives 116, no. 4 (2008): A173.
- Downs, C. A., Esti Kramarsky-Winter, John E. Fauth, Roee Segal, Omri Bronstein, Rina Jeger, Yona Lichtenfeld et al. “Toxicological effects of the sunscreen UV filter, benzophenone-2, on planulae and in vitro cells of the coral, Stylophora pistillata.” Ecotoxicology (2013): 1-17.
- Coral, Jason. “Fate and Behavior of Titanium Dioxide in Aquatic Ecosystems.” (2013).
Marine Debris & Pollution
- Great Pacific Garbage Patch Graphic by Unknown
- Link Between Unexploded Munitions in Oceans and Cancer-Causing Toxins Determined by James W. Porter
- Progress Report for FY 1997 An Ecotoxicological Assessment of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Runoff into Florida Bay and Surrounding Environments With an Emphasis on the Organochlorine Insecticide Endosulfan
- A historical record of mercury contamination in southern florida (USA) as inferred from avian feather tissue: Contribution R-09888 of the Journal Series, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station (pages 1474–1478)
- Mercury and Selenium Tissue Concentrations in Double-Crested Comorants: Correlation with Histopathologic Findings (RH Poppenga, DVM, PhD, WJ Birdsall, PhD, RY Reams, DVM, PhD, and RB Quinn)
- Great Pacific Garbage Patch Graphic by Unknown Link Between Unexploded Munitions in Oceans and Cancer-Causing Toxins Determined by James W. Porter
- Progress Report for FY 1997 An Ecotoxicological Assessment of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Runoff into Florida Bay and Surrounding Environments With an Emphasis on the Organochlorine Insecticide Endosulfan A historical record of mercury contamination in southern florida (USA) as inferred from avian feather tissue: Contribution R-09888 of the Journal Series, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station (pages 1474–1478)
- Mercury and Selenium Tissue Concentrations in Double-Crested Comorants: Correlation with Histopathologic Findings (RH Poppenga, DVM, PhD, WJ Birdsall, PhD, RY Reams, DVM, PhD, and RB Quinn)
- Slaughter, Elli, et al. “Toxicity of cigarette butts, and their chemical components, to marine and freshwater fish.” Tobacco Control 20.Suppl 1 (2011): i25-i29.
- Novotny, Thomas E., and Feng Zhao. “Consumption and production waste: another externality of tobacco use.” Tobacco Control 8.1 (1999): 75-80.
- Novotny, Thomas E., et al. “Tobacco and cigarette butt consumption in humans and animals.” Tobacco control 20.Suppl 1 (2011): i17-i20.
- Moerman, J. W., and G. E. Potts. “Analysis of metals leached from smoked cigarette litter.” Tobacco control 20.Suppl 1 (2011): i30-i35.
- Mora, C. (2008). A clear human footprint in the coral reefs of the Caribbean. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275(1636), 767-77
- Our Nutrient World: The challenge to produce more food and energy with less pollution.Produced by the Global Partnership on Nutrient Management* in collaboration with the International Nitrogen Initiative. Published by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH). Prepared by M.A. Sutton, A. Bleeker, C.M. Howard et al. ISBN: 978-1-906698-40-9, 120pp, 2013
- Micevska, T., et al. “Variation in, and causes of, toxicity of cigarette butts to a cladoceran and microtox.” Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 50.2 (2006): 205-212
- Goldstein, Miriam C., Andrew J. Titmus, and Michael Ford. “Scales of Spatial Heterogeneity of Plastic Marine Debris in the Northeast Pacific Ocean.” PLOS ONE 8.11 (2013): e80020.
- Díaz-Ortega, Geraldine, and Edwin A. Hernández-Delgado. “Unsustainable Land-Based Source Pollution in a Climate of Change: A Roadblock to the Conservation and Recovery of Elkhorn Coral Acropora palmata (Lamarck 1816).” Natural Resources 5.10 (2014): 561.
- Downs, C. A., Esti Kramarsky-Winter, John E. Fauth, Roee Segal, Omri Bronstein, Rina Jeger, Yona Lichtenfeld et al. “Toxicological effects of the sunscreen UV filter, benzophenone-2, on planulae and in vitro cells of the coral, Stylophora pistillata.” Ecotoxicology (2013): 1-17.
- Coral, Jason. “Fate and Behavior of Titanium Dioxide in Aquatic Ecosystems.” (2013).
- Young, C.N., Schopmeyer, S.A., and Lirman, D. A review of reef restoration and coral propagation using the threatened genus Acropora in the Caribbean and Western Atlantic. Bulletin of Marine Science 88(4): 1075-1098, 2012.
Fox, H. E., Mous, P. J., Pet, J. S., Muljadi, A. H., & Caldwell, R. L. (2005). Experimental assessment of coral reef rehabilitation following blast fishing. Conservation Biology, 19(1), 98-107.
- Marine Debris Clean-ups as Meaningful Science Learning
Marine Management
- Managing the growing impacts of development on fragile coastal and marine ecosystems: Lessons from the Gulf
Hanneke Van Lavieren, John Burt, David A. Feary, Geórgenes Cavalcante, Elise Marquis, Lisa Benedetti, Charles Trick, Björn Kjerfve and Peter F. Sale
- Record of Decision for the Coral PEIS. NOAA. January 2011
- The Roles of Dimensionality, Canopies and Complexity in Ecosystem Monitoring. PLoS ONE 6(11): e27307. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0027307. Goatley CHR, Bellwood DR (2011)
- Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) on Coral Restoration in the Florida Keys and Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuaries. NOAA. July 2010
- Leading Marine Scientists Release New Evidence Marine Reserves Produce Enormous Benefits
- Hughes, et al. Climate Change, Human Impacts, and the Resilience of Coral Reefs.
- Marine Zones & Zone Monitoring, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
- Coral Reef Fish & Marine Zones, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
- Spiny Lobster & Marine Zones, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
- Ault, J.S., J.A. Bohnsack, and G.A. Meester. 1997. Management strategies to conserve marine biodiversity. Oceanography 9(1): 73-82.
- Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: retrospective (1979-1995) assessment of reef fish and the case for protected marine areas.
- Meester, G.A., A. Mehrotra, J.S. Ault, and E.K. Baker. 2004.Designing marine reserves for fishery management. Management Science 50(8):1031-1043.
- Bartholomew, A., J.A. Bohnsack, S.G. Smith, J.S. Ault, D.E. Harper, and D.B. McClellan. 2008. Influence of marine reserve size and boundary length on the initial response of exploited reef fishes in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, USA. Landscape Ecology 23(Suppl. 1): 55-65.
- Mora C, Sale P (2011). Ongoing global biodiversity loss and the need to move beyond protected areas: A review of the technical and practical shortcoming of protected areas on land and sea.Marine Ecology Progress Series 434, 251-266.
- In Claudet J. (ed) Mora C. (2011). Effectiveness of the global network of marine protected areas. Marine Protected Areas: A multidisciplinary approach, Cambridge University Press. p 334-346.
- Mora C, Myers R, Pitcher T, Zeller D, Watson G, Sumila R, Gaston K, Worm B (2009) Management effectiveness of the world’s marine fisheries. PLoS Biology 7, e1000131
- Mora C, Metzker R, Rollo A, Myers RA (2007) Experimental simulations about the effects of habitat fragmentation and overexploitation on populations facing environmental warming. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 274, 1023-1028.
- Lubchenco J, Gaines S, Warner R, Palumbi S, Airame S. Mora C. (2007) The science of marine reserves booklet. Second edition. Pisco, California.
- Mora C, Andréfouët S, Kranenburg S, Rollo A, Costello M, Veron J, Gaston KJ, Myers RA (2006) How protected are coral reefs? Science 314, 757-760.
- Mora C, Andréfouët S, Costello M, Kranenburg S, Rollo A, Veron J, Gaston KJ, Myers RA (2006) Coral reefs and the global network of Marine Protected Areas. Science 312, 1750-1751
- Precht , William F. , Robbart ,Martha L. , Aronson, Richard B.,. The potential listing of Acropora species under the US Endangered Species Act. Marine Pollution Bulletin 49 (2004) 534–536
- Brown, G.M., Shogren, J.F. 1998 Economics of the Endangered Species act. Journal of Economic Perspectives 12(3):3-20.
- Clark, J. A., Hoekstra, J. M., Boersma, P. D. and Kareiva, P. (2002), Improving U.S. Endangered Species Act Recovery Plans: Key Findings and Recommendations of the SCB Recovery Plan Project. Conservation Biology, 16: 1510–1519. doi: 10.1046/j.1523-1739.2002.01376.x
- Franklin, Jerry F. 1993. Preserving Biodiversity: Species, Ecosystems, or Landscapes? Ecological Applications 3:202–205.
- Mace, G. M. and Lande, R. (1991), Assessing Extinction Threats: Toward a Reevaluation of IUCN Threatened Species Categories. Conservation Biology, 5: 148–157. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.1991.tb00119.x
- Mace, G. M., Collar, N. J., Gaston, K. J., Hilton-Taylor, C., Akcakaya, H. R., Leader-Williams, N., Milner-Gulland, E.J. and Stuart, S. N. (2008), Quantification of Extinction Risk: IUCN’s System for Classifying Threatened Species. Conservation Biology, 22: 1424–1442. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2008.01044.x
- Prescht, W.F., Robbart, M. L. Aronson, R. B. 2004. The potential listing of Acropora species under the US Endangered Species Act. Marine Pollution Bulletin 49: 534-536
- Rohlf, D.J. 191. six biological reasons why the endangered species act doesn’t work- and what to do about. Conservation Biology 5 (3): 273-282
- Lee Hannah, Guy Midgley, Sandy Andelman, Miguel Araújo, Greg Hughes, Enrique Martinez-Meyer, Richard Pearson, and Paul Williams. 2007. Protected area needs in a changing climate. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5: 131–138.[131:PANIAC]2.0.CO;2
- Tear, T.H., Scott. J.M., Hayward, P.H., Griffth, B. 1995. Recovery plans and the endangered species act: are criticisms supported by data? Conservation Biology 9(1_:182-195.
- Paul J. Ferraro, Craig McIntosh, Monica Ospina, The effectiveness of the US endangered species act: An econometric analysis using matching methods, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Volume 54, Issue 3, November 2007, Pages 245-261, ISSN 0095-0696, 10.1016/j.jeem.2007.01.002. (
- Bellwood, D. R., Hughes, T. P., Folke, C., & Nyström, M. (2004). Confronting the coral reef crisis. Nature, 429(6994), 827-833.
- Hughes, T. P., Bellwood, D. R., Folke, C., Steneck, R. S., & Wilson, J. (2005). New paradigms for supporting the resilience of marine ecosystems. Trends in ecology & evolution, 20(7), 380-386.
- Folke, C., Carpenter, S., Walker, B., Scheffer, M., Elmqvist, T., Gunderson, L., & Holling, C. S. (2004). Regime shifts, resilience, and biodiversity in ecosystem management. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 557-581.
- Bohensky, E., Butler, J. R., Costanza, R., Bohnet, I., Delisle, A., Fabricius, K., … & Wolanski, E. (2011). Future makers or future takers? A scenario analysis of climate change and the Great Barrier Reef. Global Environmental Change, 21(3), 876-893.
- Gjerde, Kristina M., et al. “Ocean in peril: Reforming the management of global ocean living resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction.” Marine Pollution Bulletin (2013).
Maynard, J. A., McKagan, S., Raymundo, L., Johnson, S., Ahmadia, G. N., Johnston, L., Houk, P., Williams, G. J., Kendall, M., Heron, S. F., van Hooidonk, R., Mcleod, E., Tracey, D., and Planes, S. “Assessing relative resilience potential of coral reefs to inform management”. Biological Conservation (2015): 109-119.
Seagrasses & Mangroves
- N-Control Seagrass Restoration Monitoring Report Monitoring Events 2003-2008 Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Monroe County, Florida by, A. A. Farrer. November 2010
- Are mangroves in the tropical Atlantic ripe for invasion? Exotic mangrove trees in the forests of south Florida Authors: JW Fourqurean, TJ Smith III, J Possley, TM Collins, D Lee and S Namoff. 2009
- Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study Assessment of Nearshore Benthic Communities of the Florida Keys
- In the Frontline: Shoreline protection and other ecosystem services from mangroves and coral reefs. IUCN, UNEP, WCMC & ICRAN. 2006
- Comment by BRIAN E. LAPOINTE and PETER J. BARILE on J. C. Zieman, J. W. Fourqurean, and T. A. Frankovich. Seagrass Dieoff in Florida Bay: Long-term Trends in Abundance and Growth of Turtle Grass, Thalassia testudinum. 2004
- Mora C, Tittensor D, Myers RA (2008) The completeness of taxonomic inventories for describing the global diversity and distribution of marine fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 275, 149-155
Corals & Marine Disease
- Wiedenmann,Jörg, Cecilia D’Angelo, et al. Nutrient enrichment can increase the susceptibility of reef corals to bleaching. Nature Climate Change (2012)doi:10.1038/nclimate1661
- Nikki Traylor-Knowles, Brian R Granger, Tristan Lubinski, Jignesh R Parikh, Sara Garamszegi, Yu Xia, Jarrod A Marto, Les Kaufman and John R Finnerty. Production of a reference transcriptome and transcriptomic database (PocilloporaBase) for the cauliflower coral, Pocillopora damicornis.
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- Zooxanthellae Regulation in Yellow Blotch/Band and Other Coral Diseases
- Coral Diseases: What is Really Known?
- Coral Yellow Band Disease; current status in the Caribbean, and links to new Indo-Pacific outbreaks
- Widespread disease in Caribbean sea fans
- Microbial Pests Coral Disease in the Western Atlantic
- Thermal Stress and Coral Cover as Drivers of Coral Disease Outbreak
- Jessica R. Ward, Kevin D. Lafferty. The Elusive Baseline of Marine Disease: Are Diseases in Ocean Ecosystems Increasing?
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- Lisa Bostrom-Einarsson and Jairo Rivera-Posada (2015) Controlling outbreaks of the coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish using a single injection of common household vinegar. Coral Reefs Journal of the International Society for Reef Studies.
Marine Life
- Kamla Ruby Moothien Pillay, Takashi Asahida, Chaolun Allen Chen, Hiroaki Terashima, and Hitoshi Ida. 2005. ITS Ribosomal DNA Distinctions between and the Genetic Structures of Populations of Two Sympatric Species of Pavona (Cnidaria: Scleractinia) from Mauritius.
- Yvonne L Chan, Xavier Pochon, Marla A Fisher, Daniel Wagner, Gregory T Concepcion, Samuel E Kahng, Robert J Toonen and Ruth D Gates . Generalist dinoflagellate endosymbionts and host genotype diversity detected from mesophotic (67-100 m depths) coral Leptoseris. . BMC Ecology 2009, 9:21 doi:10.1186/1472-6785-9-2
- Danwei Huang, Rudolf Meier, Peter A. Todd, Loke Ming Chou. More evidence for pervasive paraphyly in scleractinian corals: Systematic study of Southeast Asian Faviidae (Cnidaria; Scleractinia) based on molecular and morphological data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Volume 50, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 102-116
- Arjan Gittenberger, Bastian T. Reijnen, Bert W. Hoeksema. A molecularly based phylogeny reconstruction of mushroom corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae) with taxonomic consequences and evolutionary implications for life history traits. Contributions to Zoology, 80 (2) – 2011
- Richards ZT, van Oppen MJH, Wallace CC, Willis BL, Miller DJ, 2008. Some Rare Indo-Pacific Coral Species Are Probable Hybrids. PLoS ONE 3(9): e3240. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003240. J. K. Wolstenholme, C. C. Wallace and C. A. Chen. Species boundaries within the Acropora humilis species group (Cnidaria; Scleractinia): a morphological and molecular interpretation of evolution .
- Hybridization and the Evolution of Reef Coral Diversity. Steven V. Vollmer, et al., Science 296, 2023 (2002) Madeleine J. H. Van Oppen, Bette L. Willi, Teun Van Rheede, David J. Miller. Spawning times, reproductive compatibilities and genetic structuring in the Acropora aspera group: evidence for natural hybridization and semi-permeable species boundaries in corals.
- Hironobu Fukami, Makoto Omori, Masayuki Hatta. Phylogenetic Relationships in the Coral Family Acroporidae, Reassessed by Inference from Mitochondrial Genes. The Evolutionary History of the Coral Genus Acropora (Scleractinia, Cnidaria) Based on a Mitochondrial and a Nuclear Marker: Reticulation, Incomplete Lineage Sorting, or Morphological Convergence? Madeleine J. H. van Oppen, Brenda J. McDonald, Bette Willis, and David J. Miller
- The Diversity of Coral Reefs: What Are We Missing? Laetitia Plaisance, M. Julian Caley, Russell E. Brainard, Nancy Knowlton
- Endangered Species Bulletin Summer 2009 vol.34, No.2 pg.12 Finding a New Future for Corals, pg.14 CITES Gives Hope to the Queen Conch, pg.16 A Brighter Future for the Kemp’s Ridley Cold-water Coral Reefs: Out of Sight – No Longer Out of Mind Seamounts, deep-sea corals and fisheries: Census of Marine Life on Seamounts (CenSeam) Data Analysis Working Group
- Long-Lived, Slow-Growing Corals in Deep Waters of the Gulf of Mexico by Nancy Prouty March 2011 McMurray, S.E., Blum, J.E., Leichter, J.J. and Pawlik, J.R. 2011. Bleaching of the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta in the Florida Keys. Limnology and Oceanography, 56: 2243-2250 The Chemical Ecology of Spongeson Caribbean Reefs: Natural Products Shape Natural Systems. BioScience • November 2011 / Vol. 61 No. 11. Joseph R. Pawlik. Comparative Coral Cytogenetics. Flot J-F, Ozouf-Costaz C, Tsuchiya M, van Woesik R Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium 1:4-8. 2006
- Parrotfish mediation in coral mortality and bioerosion by the encrusting, excavating sponge Cliona tenuis. Juan Carlos Márquez, Sven Zea .23 JAN 2012 DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0485.2011.00506.x
- Eric Pante and Phillip Dustan, “Getting to the Point: Accuracy of Point Count in Monitoring Ecosystem Change,” Journal of Marine Biology, vol. 2012, Article ID 802875, 7 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/802875
- Global patterns and predictors of marine biodiversity across taxa.Tittensor D, Mora C, Jetz W, Lotze HK, Ricard D, vanden Berghe E, Worm B. (2010) Nature 466, 1098-1101.
- Cordes EE, Cunha MR, Galeron J, Mora C, Roy K, Sibuet M, Van Gaever S, Vanreusel A, Levin L (2010) The influence of geological, geochemical, and biogenic habitat heterogeneity on seep biodiversity. Marine Ecology 31, 51-65.
- Mora C. (2009) Degradation of Caribbean coral reefs: focusing on proximal rather than ultimate factors. Reply to Rogers. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 276, 199-200.
- Mora C. (2008) A clear human footprint in the coral reefs of the Caribbean. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 275, 767-773. BOSSART, GREGORY D. Marine Mammals as Sentinel Species for Oceans and Human Health. Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2006 Huang D (2012) Threatened Reef Corals of the World. PLoS ONE 7(3): e34459. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034459
- Malcolm McCulloch, Jim Falter, Julie Trotter & Paolo Montagna. Coral resilience to ocean acidification and global warming through pH up-regulation. Nature Climate Change (2012) doi:10.1038/nclimate1473 Francini-Filho RB et al. (2013) Dynamics of coral reef benthic assemblages of the Abrolhos Bank, eastern Brazil: Inferences on natural and anthropogenic drivers. PLoS ONE, e5426
- Pawlik, J. R., Loh, T. L., McMurray, S. E., & Finelli, C. M. (2013). Sponge Communities on Caribbean Coral Reefs Are Structured by Factors That Are Top-Down, Not Bottom-Up. PloS one, 8(5), e62573.
- Netchy, Kristin. “Epibenthic Mobile Invertebrates along the Florida Reef Tract: Diversity and Community Structure.” PhD diss., University of South Florida, 2014.
- Hunting, E. R. (2013). Shedding light on detritus: Interactions between invertebrates, bacteria.
- de Goeij, J. M., van Oevelen, D., Vermeij, M. J., Osinga, R., Middelburg, J. J., de Goeij, A. F., & Admiraal, W. (2013). Surviving in a marine desert: the sponge loop retains resources within coral reefs. Science, 342(6154), 108-110.
- Kamla Ruby Moothien Pillay, Takashi Asahida, Chaolun Allen Chen, Hiroaki Terashima, and Hitoshi Ida. 2005. ITS Ribosomal DNA Distinctions between and the Genetic Structures of Populations of Two Sympatric Species of Pavona (Cnidaria: Scleractinia) from Mauritius.
- Yvonne L Chan, Xavier Pochon, Marla A Fisher, Daniel Wagner, Gregory T Concepcion, Samuel E Kahng, Robert J Toonen and Ruth D Gates . Generalist dinoflagellate endosymbionts and host genotype diversity detected from mesophotic (67-100 m depths) coral Leptoseris. . BMC Ecology 2009, 9:21 doi:10.1186/1472-6785-9-2
- Danwei Huang, Rudolf Meier, Peter A. Todd, Loke Ming Chou. More evidence for pervasive paraphyly in scleractinian corals: Systematic study of Southeast Asian Faviidae (Cnidaria; Scleractinia) based on molecular and morphological data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Volume 50, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 102-116
- Arjan Gittenberger, Bastian T. Reijnen, Bert W. Hoeksema. A molecularly based phylogeny reconstruction of mushroom corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae) with taxonomic consequences and evolutionary implications for life history traits. Contributions to Zoology, 80 (2) – 2011
- Richards ZT, van Oppen MJH, Wallace CC, Willis BL, Miller DJ, 2008. Some Rare Indo-Pacific Coral Species Are Probable Hybrids. PLoS ONE 3(9): e3240. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003240. J. K. Wolstenholme, C. C. Wallace and C. A. Chen. Species boundaries within the Acropora humilis species group (Cnidaria; Scleractinia): a morphological and molecular interpretation of evolution .
- Hybridization and the Evolution of Reef Coral Diversity. Steven V. Vollmer, et al., Science 296, 2023 (2002) Madeleine J. H. Van Oppen, Bette L. Willi, Teun Van Rheede, David J. Miller. Spawning times, reproductive compatibilities and genetic structuring in the Acropora aspera group: evidence for natural hybridization and semi-permeable species boundaries in corals.
- Hironobu Fukami, Makoto Omori, Masayuki Hatta. Phylogenetic Relationships in the Coral Family Acroporidae, Reassessed by Inference from Mitochondrial Genes. The Evolutionary History of the Coral Genus Acropora (Scleractinia, Cnidaria) Based on a Mitochondrial and a Nuclear Marker: Reticulation, Incomplete Lineage Sorting, or Morphological Convergence? Madeleine J. H. van Oppen, Brenda J. McDonald, Bette Willis, and David J. Miller
- The Diversity of Coral Reefs: What Are We Missing? Laetitia Plaisance, M. Julian Caley, Russell E. Brainard, Nancy Knowlton
- Endangered Species Bulletin Summer 2009 vol.34, No.2 pg.12 Finding a New Future for Corals, pg.14 CITES Gives Hope to the Queen Conch, pg.16 A Brighter Future for the Kemp’s Ridley Cold-water Coral Reefs: Out of Sight – No Longer Out of Mind Seamounts, deep-sea corals and fisheries: Census of Marine Life on Seamounts (CenSeam) Data Analysis Working Group
- Long-Lived, Slow-Growing Corals in Deep Waters of the Gulf of Mexico by Nancy Prouty March 2011 McMurray, S.E., Blum, J.E., Leichter, J.J. and Pawlik, J.R. 2011. Bleaching of the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta in the Florida Keys. Limnology and Oceanography, 56: 2243-2250 The Chemical Ecology of Spongeson Caribbean Reefs: Natural Products Shape Natural Systems. BioScience • November 2011 / Vol. 61 No. 11. Joseph R. Pawlik. Comparative Coral Cytogenetics. Flot J-F, Ozouf-Costaz C, Tsuchiya M, van Woesik R Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium 1:4-8. 2006
- Parrotfish mediation in coral mortality and bioerosion by the encrusting, excavating sponge Cliona tenuis. Juan Carlos Márquez, Sven Zea .23 JAN 2012 DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0485.2011.00506.x
- Eric Pante and Phillip Dustan, “Getting to the Point: Accuracy of Point Count in Monitoring Ecosystem Change,” Journal of Marine Biology, vol. 2012, Article ID 802875, 7 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/802875
- Global patterns and predictors of marine biodiversity across taxa.Tittensor D, Mora C, Jetz W, Lotze HK, Ricard D, vanden Berghe E, Worm B. (2010) Nature 466, 1098-1101.
- Cordes EE, Cunha MR, Galeron J, Mora C, Roy K, Sibuet M, Van Gaever S, Vanreusel A, Levin L (2010) The influence of geological, geochemical, and biogenic habitat heterogeneity on seep biodiversity. Marine Ecology 31, 51-65.
- Mora C. (2009) Degradation of Caribbean coral reefs: focusing on proximal rather than ultimate factors. Reply to Rogers. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 276, 199-200.
- Mora C. (2008) A clear human footprint in the coral reefs of the Caribbean. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 275, 767-773. BOSSART, GREGORY D. Marine Mammals as Sentinel Species for Oceans and Human Health. Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2006 Huang D (2012) Threatened Reef Corals of the World. PLoS ONE 7(3): e34459. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034459
- Malcolm McCulloch, Jim Falter, Julie Trotter & Paolo Montagna. Coral resilience to ocean acidification and global warming through pH up-regulation. Nature Climate Change (2012) doi:10.1038/nclimate1473 Francini-Filho RB et al. (2013) Dynamics of coral reef benthic assemblages of the Abrolhos Bank, eastern Brazil: Inferences on natural and anthropogenic drivers. PLoS ONE, e5426
- Pawlik, J. R., Loh, T. L., McMurray, S. E., & Finelli, C. M. (2013). Sponge Communities on Caribbean Coral Reefs Are Structured by Factors That Are Top-Down, Not Bottom-Up. PloS one, 8(5), e62573.
- Netchy, Kristin. “Epibenthic Mobile Invertebrates along the Florida Reef Tract: Diversity and Community Structure.” PhD diss., University of South Florida, 2014.
- Hunting, E. R. (2013). Shedding light on detritus: Interactions between invertebrates, bacteria.
- de Goeij, J. M., van Oevelen, D., Vermeij, M. J., Osinga, R., Middelburg, J. J., de Goeij, A. F., & Admiraal, W. (2013). Surviving in a marine desert: the sponge loop retains resources within coral reefs. Science, 342(6154), 108-110.
Marine Invasives
- Are Native and Nonindigenous Seaweeds Overgrowing Florida’s East Coast Reefs?
- Reciprocal Caulerpa Invasion: Mediterranean native Caulerpa ollivieri in the Bahamas supported by human nitrogen enrichment
- Brice X. Semmens, Eric R. Buhle, Anne K. Salomon, Christy V. Pattengill-Semmens. A hotspot of non-native marine fishes: evidence for the aquarium trade as an invasion pathway
- Sammarco, P.W., S.A. Porter, and S.D. Cairns. 2010. A new coral species introduced into the Atlantic Ocean – /Tubastraea micranthus/(Ehrenberg 1834) (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Scleractinia): An invasive threat? Aquatic Invasions 5 (2): 131-140.
- Canning-Clode, João, Amy E. Fowler, James E. Byers, James T. Carlton, and Gregory M. Ruiz. “‘Caribbean Creep’chills out: climate change and marine invasive species.” PloS one 6, no. 12 (2011): e29657
- Hackerott, S., Valdivia, A., Green, S. J., Côté, I. M., Cox, C. E., Akins, L., … & Bruno, J. F. (2013). Native Predators Do Not Influence Invasion Success of Pacific Lionfish on Caribbean Reefs. PLOS ONE, 8(7), e68259.
- Hopkins, Anna. “Marine Invertebrates as indicators of reef health.” MSc Conservation Science (2009).
- Green, Stephanie J.; Dulvy, Nicholas K.; Brooks, Annabelle L. M.; Akins, John L.; Cooper, Andrew B.; Miller, Skylar; Côté, Isabelle M. Linking removal targets to the ecological effects of invaders: a predictive model and field test. Ecol App, January 2014
- Ferreira CEL, Luiz OJ, Floeter SR, Lucena MB, Barbosa MC, et al. (2015) First Record of Invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans) for the Brazilian Coast. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0123002. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123002
Other Studies/ Reports
- The State of Coral Reed Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2002
- The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2005
- The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2008
- Marine and Coastal Services at Risk: The Sleeping Dragon Tundi Agardy, Ph.D. ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies– Find out more about keeping the world’s coral reefs healthy with NOVA at the Australian Academy of Science.
- The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2005 The State of the world? It is on the brink of disaster Coral Reef Monitoring Project Executive Summary 2000 US Coral Reef Task Force: Public Comments Thomas J. Goreau, PhD, President Global Coral Reef Alliance December 2 2004 UNEP Yearbook 2010: New Science and Developments in our Changing Environment
- Global Trajectories of the Long-Term Decline of Coral Reef Ecosystems. Pandolfi, et al. Reefs at Risk Revisited. World Resources Institute. Feb. 2011
- Millennium Global Coral Reef Mapping Project, Mora C, Tittensor DP, Adl S, Simpson AGB, Worm B (2011).
- How many species are there on Earth and in the Ocean?. PlosBiology9: e1001127.
- Lidz, B. H., Reich, C. D., & Shinn, E. A. (2007). Systematic Mapping of Bedrock and Habitats Along the Florida Reef Tract-central Key Largo to Halfmoon Shoal (Gulf of Mexico). US Geological Survey
- De’atha, Glenn , Katharina E. Fabriciusa, Hugh Sweatmana, and Marji Puotinenb. The 27–year decline of coral cover on the Great Barrier Reef and its causes. PNAS October 1, 2012 Dr. Brian Lapointe Comments for Reef Relief on FKNMS Mgt Plan. June 2012
- ARC Centre of Excellence in Coral Reef Studies (2012, July 12). Coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific
- Blanchon P, Granados-Corea M, Abbey E, Braga JC, Braithwaite C, Kennedy DM, Spencer T, Webster JM, Woodroffe CD. (2014) Postglacial Fringing-Reef to Barrier-Reef conversion on Tahiti links Darwin’s reef types. Scientific Reports 4: 4997
- Breaking the Habit: Eliminating Our Dependence on Oil from the Gulf of Mexico by 2020, the Persian Gulf by 2023, and All Other Nations by 2030
- “Ocean Pulse” Coral Reef Awareness and Meaningful Science Education