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Monday February 18, 2013  10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Help cleanup one of Key West's great natural areas. Little Hamaca Park preserves mangroves and hardwood hammock communities bordering the Salt Ponds in southern Key West. Help protect our coastal home by cleaning up this local treasure. Meet at the gate of Little Hamaca Park off Flagler Ave. on Government Rd. To attend or for directions contact Reef Relief at (305) 294-3100, email us at [email protected] or RSVP on Facebook at .

Marine debris is not just ugly it is dangerous

·Discarded debris damages habitat by breaking or smothering important ecosystems such as coral reefs.

·Debris in the ocean is often difficult to see and can cause damage to vessels.

·Derelict fishing gear continues to catch fish and other animals.

·Marine debris is often mistaken by wildlife for food and can lead to starvation and death.

·The most graphic impact is entanglement of wildlife such as seabirds, whales, and turtles resulting in injury, illness, suffocation, starvation, and death.