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EPA Releases Climate Assessment Update to National Stormwater Calculator

January 30, 2014   WASHINGTON –Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released phase II of the National Stormwater Calculator and Climate Assessment Tool package. The updated calculator includes future climate vulnerability scenarios. The calculator, a part of President Obama’s Climate Change Action Plan, is a desktop application that estimates the annual amount of stormwater […]

January 10, 2013
Effects of hurricanes, land use, and water management on nutrient and microbial pollution: St. Lucie Estuary, southeast Florida.

Lapointe, B.E.; Herren, L.W., and Bedford, B.J., 2012. Effects of hurricanes, land use, and water management on nutrient and microbial pollution: St. Lucie Estuary, southeast Florida. Journal of Coastal Research, 28(6), 1345–1361. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. ABSTRACT: Multiple hurricanes impacted southeast Florida during 2004 and 2005, producing record rainfall and large-scale stormwater runoff into […]